We encapsulate the contradiction of being heavy and compact and at the same time vulnerable, fragile and translucent. This diverse character is the core of the atelier’s founding mission: to experiment with marble and its entropy; its potential for metamorphosis, embracing its inherent limitations.
Created and run by sisters Niki and Zoe Moskofoglou, On.entropy is the fruit of a 40-year-long family affair with marble in Greece.
Marble is symbolically carved into the 7,000-year history of Greece, marking the passage of culture and time with unwavering resolve. Crafting intricate sculptures from this weighty stone is a passion for On.Entropy. The sisters follow the journey from quarry to workshop, ensuring quality from the point of selection. Each step in the process reveals layers of prehistoric colour and inspiration, offering a glimpse of a long-forgotten time. The resulting pieces are a balance of architecture and engineering, form and function.

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