Gifting - PLP

The Art of Gifting

We believe that gifting is an art form. From meticulous metalwork to soulful ceramics, our edit of gifts is composed of meaningful objects that will bring joy with every use.


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280 products

The Reunited Tiger Cub Bowl Lotus Arts de VivreThe Reunited Tiger Cub Bowl Lotus Arts de Vivre

Lotus Arts de Vivre

The Reunited Tiger Cub Bowl

Sale price£5,195.00
Dénouement Christina HesfordDénouement Christina Hesford

Christina Hesford


Sale price£7,572.00
Örn Porsteinsson Freyr Polished Bronze Sculpture GardecoÖrn Porsteinsson Freyr Polished Bronze Sculpture Gardeco
Regina Medeiros Anemona Bowl GardecoRegina Medeiros Anemona Bowl Gardeco


Regina Medeiros Anemona Bowl

Sale price£1,589.00
Alcyoneum Graal Vessel Michele OberdieckAlcyoneum Graal Vessel Michele Oberdieck

Michele Oberdieck

Alcyoneum Graal Vessel

Sale price£2,520.00
Mosaic Palmira Side Table CasarialtoMosaic Palmira Side Table Casarialto


Mosaic Palmira Side Table

Sale price£1,580.00
Étendu Wall Art Studio LampentÉtendu Wall Art Studio Lampent

Studio Lampent

Étendu Wall Art

Sale price£2,520.00
Curl Grey Vessel Tina VlassopulosCurl Grey Vessel Tina Vlassopulos

Tina Vlassopulos

Curl Grey Vessel

Sale price£2,000.00
Shaded Reflections Blue Mirror Elizabeth Kent StudioShaded Reflections Blue Mirror Elizabeth Kent Studio

Elizabeth Kent Studio

Shaded Reflections Blue Mirror

Sale priceFrom £4,500.00
Moon Jar Kerry HastingsMoon Jar Kerry Hastings

Kerry Hastings

Moon Jar

Sale price£3,800.00
Moebius Lilac Vessel Tina Vlassopulos

Tina Vlassopulos

Moebius Lilac Vessel

Sale price£1,800.00
Chevron Chashmere Blanket Janavi IndiaChevron Chashmere Blanket Janavi India

Janavi India

Chevron Chashmere Blanket

Sale price£1,625.00
Cyclops White Illuminated Sculpture Kerry HastingsCyclops White Illuminated Sculpture Kerry Hastings

Kerry Hastings

Cyclops White Illuminated Sculpture

Sale price£2,220.00
Huemetry Ochre Symphony Wall Art Amal Jain - Hue OdysseyHuemetry Ochre Symphony Wall Art Amal Jain - Hue Odyssey

Amal Jain - Hue Odyssey

Huemetry Ochre Symphony Wall Art

Sale price£1,908.00
Paolo Rizzatto Dapertutto White and Brown Table Ghidini 1961Paolo Rizzatto Dapertutto White and Brown Table Ghidini 1961

Ghidini 1961

Paolo Rizzatto Dapertutto White and Brown Table

Sale price£1,769.00
Tronco 4 White Pouf Nitush - ArooshTronco 4 White Pouf Nitush - Aroosh

Nitush - Aroosh

Tronco 4 White Pouf

Sale price£1,592.00
Chrysanthumum Off White Wall Art Louise HeighesChrysanthumum Off White Wall Art Louise Heighes

Louise Heighes

Chrysanthumum Off White Wall Art

Sale price£2,800.00
Solar Cycle Sculpture Matt SherrattSolar Cycle Sculpture Matt Sherratt

Matt Sherratt

Solar Cycle Sculpture

Sale price£3,276.00
Broken Things 2B Livia Marin

Livia Marin

Broken Things 2B

Sale price£2,140.00
450 Marble Side Table RAILS450 Marble Side Table RAILS


450 Marble Side Table

Sale price£7,680.00
Mosaic Bisanzio Stool CasarialtoMosaic Bisanzio Stool Casarialto


Mosaic Bisanzio Stool

Sale price£4,035.00
Feather White and Gold Wall Art Louise HeighesFeather White and Gold Wall Art Louise Heighes

Louise Heighes

Feather White and Gold Wall Art

Sale price£5,500.00
Atom Marble Sculpture Studio LuxAtom Marble Sculpture Studio Lux

Studio Lux

Atom Marble Sculpture

Sale price£3,360.00
Chao in memoriam Unit 89Chao in memoriam Unit 89

Unit 89

Chao in memoriam

Sale price£19,000.00
India 1 Red Copper Vase Utopia & Utility

Utopia & Utility

India 1 Red Copper Vase

Sale price£1,200.00
Mosaic Acqua Side Table CasarialtoMosaic Acqua Side Table Casarialto


Mosaic Acqua Side Table

Sale price£1,444.00
Carpe Diem Handmade Mosaic Stool CasarialtoCarpe Diem Handmade Mosaic Stool Casarialto


Carpe Diem Handmade Mosaic Stool

Sale price£7,066.00
At the Place Where We Met I Wall Art Christina HesfordAt the Place Where We Met I Wall Art Christina Hesford

Christina Hesford

At the Place Where We Met I Wall Art

Sale price£2,160.00
Silhouette Silver Mirror Elizabeth Kent StudioSilhouette Silver Mirror Elizabeth Kent Studio

Elizabeth Kent Studio

Silhouette Silver Mirror

Sale priceFrom £3,500.00